Aescripts Depth Scanner Crack 1.10.0 Free Download

Creating high-quality depth maps is essential for achieving realistic 3D effects like depth of field, parallax, and displacement in After Effects. While you can rotoscope or manually create depth maps, it’s a painstaking and time-consuming process. That’s where Aescripts Depth Scanner Crack comes in – this powerful script analyzes your footage and generates accurate depth maps automatically, saving you countless hours of tedious work.

What is Aescripts Depth Scanner?

Aescripts Depth Scanner is a third-party script that integrates directly into After Effects. It uses an advanced algorithm to analyze the brightness values in your footage and generate corresponding depth maps. These depth maps can then be used for a variety of effects like:

  • Realistic depth of field blur
  • 2.5D camera movements and parallax
  • Displacement maps for extruding text/shapes
  • Object removal and scene relighting

The key advantage of Depth Scanner is that it’s fully automated. Rather than painstakingly rotoscoping/painting depth maps frame-by-frame, you just need to set a few parameters and let the script do the heavy lifting. This can save days’ worth of work on complex projects.

Aescripts Depth Scanner Crack

Installing and Setting Up Depth Scanner

To get started with Depth Scanner, you’ll first need to download the file from our site and install the script by following these steps:

  1. Launch After Effects
  2. Go to File > Scripts > Install Script File
  3. Navigate to the .zip file you downloaded and select it
  4. Restart After Effects

After restarting, you’ll find the Aescripts Depth Scanner Activation Code option under the “Aescripts” menu at the top.

Pro Tip: Before running Depth Scanner, it’s best to prepare your footage first by doing any necessary cropping, scaling, and color correcting. The script analyzes pixel values, so starting with “clean” footage will give the best depth map results.

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Supported File Types

Aescripts Depth Scanner Crack works with most common image sequence formats and video codecs including:

  • Image sequences: PNGs, TGAs, EXRs, JPGs
  • Video containers: MOVs, AVIs, MP4s
  • Codecs: Animation, DNxHD, ProRes, H.264

If you’re unsure whether your footage type is supported, check the documentation or run a quick test render before starting a big project.

Using the Depth Scanner Interface

Once installed, you can access the Depth Scanner interface by going to Aescripts > Depth Scanner. The interface is divided into several sections:

Main Controls – Set depth range (near/far) and depth precision – Choose depth output type (layer, cam data, etc.) – Start analysis and set render options

Advanced Controls – Adjust accuracy and performance settings
– Filter settings like edge detection – Overlays for visualizing the depth map

Layer Controls – Apply the effect to selected layers only – Ignore transparent regions

Don’t worry if some of the terminology is unfamiliar at first. The best approach is to use the default settings initially, render a quick test, and then tweak things from there based on your needs.

Finding the Right Depth Scanner Settings

Every piece of footage is different, so you’ll likely need to experiment with the various settings to get the ideal depth map results. Here are some tips:

  • Depth Range: Set this to the closest and farthest distances you want to pick up depth information. Err on the side of a wider range initially.
  • Depth Precision: Higher precision gives smoother depth transitions but takes longer. Start low and increase if needed.
  • Accuracy: Use higher accuracy for complex scenes, lower for simpler shots.
  • Edge Detection: Increase edge sensitivity if you have sharp object boundaries that need to be preserved.

The key is making test renders with different settings, analyzing the results, and iterating until you’re happy. Don’t be afraid to crank up accuracy and precision – it’s better to get the depth map right than have to fix issues later.

Creating Depth Maps with Depth Scanner

With your settings configured, you’re ready to generate the actual depth maps! Here’s the basic workflow:

  1. Select Footage: Choose the footage layer(s) you want analyzed in the timeline
  2. Set Output: Specify whether you want a new depth map layer created, depth data stored on the cam, etc.
  3. Render Settings: Set render quality, frame range, etc. Depth maps often don’t need full resolution.
  4. Start Analysis: Hit the “Analyze” button to start processing. Sit back and let it run!

Once the analysis is done, you’ll have an accurately generated depth map matching your footage. This can then be used for advanced compositing effects.

Examples of Awesome Depth Map Effects

  • Depth of Field: Use the depth map to drive a depth of field effect, blurring out of focus regions
  • 3D Camera Movement: Add parallax by “projecting” your image onto the depth map for a 2.5D camera movement
  • Displacement Maps: Extrude text, shapes or other elements using the depth data for better integration
  • Depth-Based Effects: Selectively apply effects like tints, blurs or glows based on depth values

The possibilities are endless! Aescripts Depth Scanner Crack really shines on complex shots where manually creating depth maps would be extremely tedious.

Expert Depth Scanner Workflow Tips

While Depth Scanner automates a lot of heavy lifting, there are still some best practices to follow:

Render Order Always render your depth pass first before other effects that will be using it. This ensures the most accurate results.

Compositing Workflows Depth maps are just one piece of the puzzle. Have a plan for how they’ll integrate into your overall effect photography, keying, 3D camera tracking, etc.

Combining with Other Tools Don’t be afraid to use Aescripts Depth Scanner License Key in conjunction with manual techniques like rotoscoping for troublesome areas. Hybrid approaches can give perfect results.

Test, Iterate, Refine Depth mapping is an art. Plan to make multiple test renders, analyze the results closely, and keep refining until you’re happy with the quality.

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Alternatives to Depth Scanner

While incredibly powerful, Depth Scanner isn’t the only depth mapping solution out there. A few alternatives include:

  • Manual Rotoscoping/Painting – Extremely accurate but vastly more time-consuming
  • Automatic Depth Estmation in Other Software – Some video editing and 3D apps have similar functionality built-in
  • Photogrammetry – Using specialized photography techniques to capture real-world depth information
Aescripts Depth Scanner Crack


Depth maps open up incredible possibilities for advanced 3D effects and compositing in After Effects. While creating them manually is brutally time-consuming, Aescripts Depth Scanner provides a fast, automated solution that can save you days’ worth of work.

By leveraging its powerful depth analysis algorithms and customizable settings, you can generate amazingly accurate depth maps straight from your footage. These can then drive everything from photo-realistic depth of field and camera movements to extruding text and displacement effects.

If you’ve been putting off working in 3D due to the tedium of creating depth maps, Aescripts Depth Scanner Serial Key is a game-changer. With fast, automated analysis plus flexibility for fine-tuning, it’s a must-have tool for any serious After Effects artist’s arsenal. Download it today and take your 3D motion graphics to new heights!

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