TickTick Premium Crack Download Free

TickTick Premium Crack is a popular to-do list and task management app available on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and as a web app. The free version of TickTick provides basic features like multiple task lists, due dates, reminders and simple filters.

TickTick also offers a Premium version with advanced features for $2.79/month or $27.99/year. In this in-depth review, we’ll assess if upgrading to TickTick Premium Free download is worth the investment for improving productivity.

What is TickTick Premium Crack?

TickTick launched in 2017 as a free task manager app with the goal of helping people organize their tasks in a simple, intuitive interface. It quickly gained popularity for its flexibility and ease of use.

In 2019, TickTick unveiled Premium as a paid subscription that unlocks more advanced features for power users. This includes access both offline and online, unlimited tasks lists and items, collaboration tools and more detailed productivity analytics.

Here’s an overview of what you get with Download free TickTick Premium Crack:

  • Offline access – Sync and manage tasks even without an internet connection.
  • Unlimited tasks – No caps on the number of task lists or items per list.
  • Collaboration tools – Assign tasks and share lists with team members.
  • Customization – Themes, wallpapers and personalized productivity charts.
  • Advanced features – More filters, sorts, search, automation and integrations.
  • Backups – Automatic cloud backups so you never lose data.
  • Priority support – Faster email and in-app support from TickTick.

TickTick Premium is priced at $27.99/year or $2.79/month. There’s also a 14-day free trial so you can test it out.

Next, let’s look at the key features in more detail to see how they can really improve your productivity.

Ticktick Premium Crack

Premium Features That Boost Productivity

TickTick Premium Crack includes a robust set of capabilities that enhance the app’s usefulness for managing tasks and getting things done. Here are some of the most valuable features:

Offline Access

You can seamlessly continue using TickTick even without an internet connection when you have Premium. It will automatically sync all changes once it reconnects online. This offline access makes it easy to stay productive when traveling or facing network issues.

Unlimited Task Lists and Items

The free version of TickTick limits you to only 5 task lists and 100 items per list. With Premium, these restrictions are removed so you can create as many task lists as you need to organize projects and tasks. No more worrying about bumping up against limits.

Collaboration Tools

Premium enables creating shared lists and assigning tasks to team members right within TickTick. Comments also allow discussing tasks with your team. This can streamline collaboration, especially for small groups.

Customization Options

Make TickTick match your style with different color themes and background wallpapers. You can also customize the built-in productivity trends charts with Premium to better analyze your work patterns.

Advanced Features

Unlock more robust features like advanced filters, sorts, and search to quickly find tasks. Custom fields allow adding more task details. Premium also includes priority customer support via email or in-app chat.

Automatic Backups

Never lose your tasks again! Premium provides continuous backups to the cloud so you can restore your data even if your device is lost or damaged.

With core features like offline access, unlimited lists, collaboration, customization, and backups, TickTick Premium removes key limitations to help you achieve peak productivity.

Advanced Task Management Capabilities

In addition to the core features above, upgrading to TickTick Premium Crack also gives you access to more powerful tools for task and time management.

Recurring Tasks

Save time by setting up tasks that automatically repeat on custom schedules. Recurring tasks are perfect for establishing routines and regular habits.

Custom Fields

Attach additional info like notes, links, images, and file attachments to tasks using customizable fields. Add task priority, status, project name, and other metadata.

Time Tracking

Premium includes timers for tracking how much time is spent on tasks. Integrated timesheets provide overtime for generating reports.

Pomodoro Timer

Use the Pomodoro technique of working in focused 25-minute bursts then taking 5-minute breaks with a built-in Pomodoro timer.

Smart Lists

Create lists that automatically sort tasks based on criteria like due date, priority, time estimates, etc. Keep priorities on top.

Calendar Integration

View and manage your tasks alongside your calendar. TickTick supports integration with Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and Outlook.


Set one-time or recurring reminders on tasks so you never miss a due date. Get notifications for overdue tasks as well.

These advanced features allow power users and teams to manage projects and tasks at an enterprise-level with TickTick Premium. Next let’s examine its project management capabilities.

Team and Project Management Tools

For collaborating on projects, TickTick Premium Full version crack has a leg up on the free version with these teamwork features:

User Roles and Permissions

When sharing task lists with others, you can assign user roles like Admin, Writer, Reader, etc. and customize permissions.

Task Assignment

Assign tasks directly to team members and get notifications when assigned a task. Important for accountability.


Discuss tasks and projects in real-time with comment threads attached to each task list.

Project Templates

Standardize workflows for common project types like software development using customizable templates.

Gantt Chart View

See tasks on a Gantt chart to visualize timelines and dependencies for complex projects with many moving parts.


Define important achievement milestones on projects and track their completion status as tasks get checked off.

While TickTick doesn’t have the full project management capabilities of tools like Asana, its team features still provide helpful support for small group collaboration.

How TickTick Premium Can Boost Your Productivity

We’ve covered the extensive features included with TickTick Premium. How do they translate into real productivity gains?

Offline Access Enables Task Management From Anywhere

You can view and edit tasks offline when you have no WiFi or cell service. Premium enables being productive in planes, subways, remote areas or when networks are down.

Unlimited Lists Keep Everything Organized

No need to worry about hitting the limits for task lists or items per list. Premium’s unlimited hierarchy of lists and sub-lists enables you to keep tasks neatly organized.

Advanced Filters and Search Help You Find Tasks Faster

Powerful filtering and sorting make locating tasks easier. Search across task titles, notes, lists, tags, and dates to instantly find what you need.

Customization Fits TickTick to Your Personal Style

Express yourself with custom themes and backgrounds. Tailor productivity charts and reports to analyze patterns and motivate you.

Integrations Provide a Unified Task View

Sync TickTick with your calendar to see scheduled tasks on your calendar. Connect with other tools like Toggl, Zapier, IFTTT for deeper integration.

Charts Reveal Work Patterns to Optimize Time

Charts show insights on task categories, completion rates, productivity trends. Identify areas for improvement.

With these benefits, TickTick Premium can help individuals, teams, and businesses boost productivity, collaboration, and task organization. But is the paid version worth the upgrade cost? Let’s weigh the pros and cons.

Is TickTick Premium Worth the Cost?

The Premium version Crack delivers more features and flexibility. But is it worth paying for? Here are some key considerations:

  • Premium pricing – Annual subscription is $27.99/year or $2.79/month. Teams of 6 get 50% off additional members.
  • Free version limitations – Free has limits like 5 task lists, 100 items per list, no collaboration.
  • Usage and needs – Power users who rely on TickTick daily will get more value from Premium.
  • Budget factors – Monthly sub good for testing. Annual sub saves ~45% for long-term use.
  • Key benefits – Offline access, unlimited tasks/lists, automation, backups provide freedom.

For individual use, the free version may still meet basic needs. But Premium is worthwhile if you:

  • Have large projects requiring multiple long task lists.
  • Frequently work offline and need cloud backups.
  • Desire more visual customization like personalized themes.
  • Organize tasks for a team and require collaboration features.
  • Depend on TickTick integrations with other apps like calendars.

For under $3/month, Premium provides serious task managers the advanced tools they need for productivity. The peace of mind from automated backups and priority support also shouldn’t be underestimated.

TickTick Alternatives to Consider

TickTick isn’t the only solid task manager option. Here are some other top apps to consider and how they compare:

Microsoft To Do

  • Great free option – Can replace Wunderlist with intelligent features.
  • List sharing – Collaboration capabilities but no team management.
  • Easy integration – Great for existing Microsoft/Outlook users.


  • Powerful paid version – Similar features to TickTick Premium for $3/month.
  • Natural language input – Quickly add tasks using natural phrases.
  • Karma system – Tracks productivity streaks for motivation.


  • Full work management – Advanced features and views tailored for teams.
  • Best for large teams – Scales really well for bigger organizations.
  • Pricing – Free for up to 15 users. Premium plan starts at $10.99 per user/month.


  • Simple and clean – Streamlined interface focused on essentials.
  • Location-based reminders – Reminders trigger when arriving/leaving locations.
  • Premium extras – Offline access, unlimited sharing, themes. $2.09/month.

Google Tasks

  • Free simplicity – Lean Web and mobile task manager.
  • Easy integration – Built into Gmail and Google Calendar.
  • Limited features – No repeating tasks, reminders, or collaboration.

Most alternatives above offer free versions with decent functionality for individuals. Paid versions unlock features like offline access, unlimited lists and collaboration tools seen in TickTick Premium. Overall, TickTick strikes a solid balance of features and affordability.

Verdict – Who Should Upgrade to TickTick Premium?

Based on our in-depth review, here are our recommendations on who would benefit most from upgrading to TickTick Premium:

  • Power users – Those who rely on TickTick for all or most daily tasks will find the premium features indispensable. Removing list limits is a must for heavy usage.

  • Remote workers and travelers – Offline access enables productivity anywhere – from flights to remote cabins. Automatic backups provide peace of mind.

  • Teams and small groups – Collaborative features like task assignment, permissions, comments, and Gantt charts streamline teamwork.

  • Mobile users – Premium extras like offline access, backups, andcalendar integration are handy for on-the-go task management from mobile devices.

  • Visually-oriented users – Premium’s customizable themes, wallpapers and productivity charts allow creatively tailoring TickTick.

For lighter personal task management, the free version often suffices. Evaluate your usage and needs to decide if premium merits the upgrade. In most cases, the productivity boost is well worth the cost.

Ticktick Premium Crack


TickTick Premium Crack adds valuable capabilities like offline access, unlimited task lists, collaboration tools, customization options and advanced features for $2.79/month. For under $30/year, it can take your task management to the next level.

Key highlights include:

  • Work seamlessly online and offline with cloud sync.
  • Unlimited hierarchy of task lists and items keeps projects neatly organized.
  • Assign tasks to team members and discuss tasks in comments.
  • Customize with themes and personalized productivity charts.
  • Level up time management with Pomodoro timer, recurring tasks and integrations.

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